Sunday, August 11, 2013

New to Yoga?


Doing anything for the first time takes courage, and trying yoga for the first time is no different. It can be intimidating to enter the studio and figure out where to remove your shoes, how to place your mat, etc. But you only have to do this once, and then you'll know this stuff (don't stress about these things - you'll catch on to yoga etiquette very quickly, and most studios have yoga etiquette information posted on their websites).


Even the most advanced yoga practitioner took his or her first-ever yoga class once. And yoga is called a practice for a reason. You will never "conquer" yoga. Every day is different. Your right side will feel different from your left side. Your balance will be different in each moment depending on a wide variety of things. Some days your mind will feel as if it won't turn off no matter what you do. Know that you're getting the benefits of your yoga practice even on those days. I still get nervous when I try a new style of yoga. That's natural. It's weird when you don't know what to expect, and it's uncomfortable to feel like you're the only one in the room who doesn't know what's going to happen next. Give yourself some well deserved credit for stepping outside your comfort zone, take some deep breaths, and see if you can tune into your body.


I like to remind my students that IT'S JUST YOGA. Really. Sometimes we forget this and feel competitive or say harsh things to ourselves when we struggle with a pose. Try to remember that it's just yoga. And it is truly a practice. Most people that start yoga are not naturally flexible and open. The flexibility happens organically through practicing yoga. With a good teacher, your flexibility and basic knowledge of the poses will happen quicker than most people would think.


You don't have to be practicing yoga for years to receive the positive benefits. One class is all it takes. Yoga is a way to train and teach your body and mind to be strong and calm. It has been around for thousands of years and still continues to help people. It stands the test of time. It doesn't matter if you believe in God or if you are an atheist because yoga is not affiliated with any religion. The practice of yoga simply teaches students to know and trust in the self.

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